
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Washington Post: Four Reasons Russia Protects Syria

As Al Jazeera streams its dialogue about Russia's participation and stance on Syria's civil war (which can be watched here:, I decided it is imperative we clearly understand the reasons Russia backs Syria's dictator Bashar al-Assad. Those the AJ journalists interviewed have provided several repeated reasons, namely, for strategic interest and for the Russian naval base situated in Syria.

Keep in mind: Moscow blocks the United Nation Security Council from interfering with Syrian regime developments. Under international law, if America were to take military action against Syria it would be illegal. Because of Moscow's guardianship, they can transport arms to the Assad regime without disruption. Sending massive amounts of weaponry to Syria is an affluent source of revenue for Russia. Russia likes the revenue.

According to the Washington Post, the four most prevalent reasons President Putin supports Assad's battalion are:

1. Russia's naval base in Syria is strategically important and happens to be the last foreign military installation outside the former Soviet Union.

2. What political scientists care calling "Cold War mentality". Along with a sense of national insecurity, Russia holds firmly to the ideals of maintaining one of its last military alliances.

3. Russia believes in domestic responsibilty and consequence. They refute the concept of "international intervention", especially against countries like Syria, because they view this as reminiscent of the Western imperialism which dominated during the Cold War. This threat makes Syria's protection all the more appealing to Putin.

4. As I stated earlier: revenue. They like money; they need money.

Hope that helps. Cheers.

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