Can't remember the pin to your mastercard, VISA, debit card, Bay card, Sears card, and Optimum card? Can't, for the life of you, remember the password to your account? And oh my goodness, you have forgotten the card you scan to get into your office back at home. You can visualize it's exact location in your mind. If only you go back in time and pick it up...
Have no fear!!
A Canadian company by the name of Bionym has created technology that comes in the form of a black plastic bracelet, which records the unique patterns of your heartbeat and uses them as a means of verifying one's identity.
This technology is intended to replace credit card, passwords, pins, keys, retina scans, fingerprint scanners and all modes of personal verification. Instead, one wearing the device would simply wave the bracelet in front of whatever needs a code to tap into and BAM: access granted.
The science behind this is quite interesting. What Bionym did was insert an ECG sensor into the bracelet. ECGs, or electrocardiograms, measure the electric activity of the heart. Apparently, all humans create a unique rhythmic heartbeat which cannot be duplicated in another human heart. Therefore, if anyone tried wearing your bracelet in hopes of accessing your accounts, entry would be denied.
Bionym claims the use of these bracelets ensure security better than fingerprints, face and even iris scans.
"All of these are essentially on the outside of your body, can be taken by photograph," said Karl Martin, CEO of Bionym.
In case you'd like on of your own, you can pre-order a bracelet at the retail price of $80.00. It is expected to hit the market next spring.
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