Facebook. Facebook is like a grenade. Someone tosses it at you and you watch it land at your feet praying to God it doesn't explode. Today it exploded in my face.
Recently ex-ed people (to explain, being ex-ed means you have just been..er..forced out of a relationship) tread with caution while manoeuvring Facebook. Many deactivate their accounts entirely to avoid the regurgitation of memories brought about by watching their ex-ed other pop up on their mini-feed. Most deactivate their accounts in fear of evidence of an ex's new love, or old buried secrets found out.
After I was ex-ed, I didn't delete my Facebook account. Instead, I barrelled through the maintenance of my account (with caution) and endlessly posted pictures of my incredible Europe trip. He removed the use of his wall and, from the looks of it, to my sincere appreciation, does not use Facebook much. He has not 'Liked' or commented on anything in months. We have been broken up for almost seven months now.
So, this morning I signed onto Facebook to send a friend of mine a link to an apartment in Florence, Italy. We are planning on moving there for a year in 2014, unless we find jobs in Toronto.
That was the sound my heart made when upon my screen arose a picture of my ex-boyfriend lounging on a couch at my old university, beer cup in hand and tagged: "The most eligible bachelor on campus, ladies."
The picture was taken by a friend of mine. She did the tagging. Several did the "Liking". I stared.
The first thoughts to cross my mind were:
- comment on the picture...bitterly
- like the picture...out of spite
- report the picture...for justice
- hunt down picture-taking-EX-friend
- inform all best girlfriends
Thank goodness I went with the last.
So, I e-mailed the girls. Each one dutifully ran picture-taking girl into the ground, using only their words of course and I immediately felt better.
So, to all females who have been EX-ED, I feel you, girls!! It sucks and we will continue to see these pictures on Facebook and hear these stories through the grapevine. Just remember, consult your girlfriends. They will remind you that "men are the amoebas on fleas on rats" to quote the wise and wonderful Frenchie from Grease, and bring to light how the quality of your life is so much higher than said Ex (despite how temporarily untrue you may feel that to be).
Keep your heads up girls. Chase your dreams instead of men, as you'll benefit one hundred times more.
As for Facebook? I haven't decided what I'll do with that little sucker just yet. I may just keep it around for some sweet, sweet revenge. Or I might accept that his life is changing, as mine is. If he wants to lounge around a university he has already graduated from, fine. I will be found go-getting.
Facebook prevails!! (Jesus....)
Lots of love,
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