I'm currently half-way through this rich politically charged novel and decided it was time to convey my thoughts. Apologies for any spoilers.
1) I am yet to grasp how it was that Orwell wrote of this dystopic realism back in 1949. Almost prophetic in nature, the content he includes which entails detailed description of highly organized society, an oligarchic approach to political control and the technological advances which suprecedes that of the 80s is mind-blowing.
2) Orwell has kept me on my toes. I have grown to resent Big Brother and their all-encompassing ideals about renouncing history and asserting hegemonic control. Winston, the protagonist, and his love relations with Julia have weaned my support and confidence. I wish them the best - whatever that may be.
3) Goldstein lives! The Brotherhood reigns! How glad I was to learn of this.
4) Anyone suspect O'Brien's waiter of disloyalty? He seems to shield any emotive response that might arise far too well. Those of the Brotherhood are free in their elations of dissent, when able to safely reveal them. This waiter seems too reserved and composed.
5) Check this out:
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